Friday 4 October 2013

"Cook" Morningside Road, Edinburgh.

Painted the cables and the supporting brass posts - both in leaf green - using acrylic paint.

Verdict: I like the uprights in green. The cross-cable looks lumpy.

I'll think again.

Currently listening to:

Last night's dinner:

There's a shop in Morningside Road, Edinburgh, which sells frozen gourmet meals. On a whim, went in for a look and, turning down the offer of a taste of the curry on offer, decided to buy the Coq au Vin.

You cook the meals from frozen in approx an hour (or Microwave for several minutes). I used the oven. Absolutely first rate. And at £7.50 for two people, (plus some boiled potatoes), excellent value.

Currently reading:

Chucked in the Ginger Baker autobiography - not my cup of tea. Took all my books back to the library (by bike) and borrowed the following:

Will start with:


My Bongo tutor emailed me these youTube links to play along to:

Here is a video which features the bossa nova rhythm that we have been playing.but its quite fast

Here is one thats a bit slower and has the bossa nova rhythm too, although it starts at a slightly different place in the bar

Here is a song that will fit with the disco rhythm that I have shown you. It has its own bongo part which is a bit different but a similar feel. Again this is faster than we have been doing it.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Mod Podge

Made the following purchases in a craft shop in Edinburgh.

A. Three acrylic paints for painting the posts and the cables of my overhead street lights.

For example, I might paint the posts red and the cable green or vice versa.

B. The woman in the  shop explained that Mod Podge was a kind of varnish which also stiffened card models. I'm thinking of using a gray pencil to colour my card dome. The application to that of Mod Podge would both "fix" the pencil shading, provide a sheen and strengthen the whole structure.

The card dome as it is.
C.  4 differently coloured acetate sheets from which I'll make the stained glass panels for the dome.

Currently listening to:

Last night's dinner:

Cauliflower cheese sauce with tomatoes and the leaves of the cauliflower

Currently reading:

At chapter 4 of Kim. I'm dipping into the book whenever I've a spare moment. Really getting to grips with the issues underlying the mind-body problem. But I can only take in a couple of paragraphs at a time.

What  I  was doing whilst reading Kim today.

Gilbert Ryle's "The Concept of Mind", the book I was so avidly reading last month in preparation for the philosophy course I'm taking is treated by Kim as not much more than an historical footnote.


Rod Stewart put on a spectacular show at Glasgow's Hydro last night. He's a real old pro who effortlessly held the 10,000 strong audience in the palm of his hand.

The visuals were amazing and the sound reproduction immaculate.

The audience was incredibly prim and proper looking - like the congregation in a Church of Scotland 15 years ago - spectacles, sensible skirts and trousers and cardigans abounded.

The dedicated multi-storey car park

Approaching the Hydro

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Back to the Dome

Folded up the card dome which will sit behind HO scale church facade.

Haven't glued it together because I think I'll colour it - white is too white.

Behind the church facade.
In case I muck up the colouring of the dome, I also made a thick card net which I can use as a template to make subsequent domes.

Currently listening to:

Sibelius 5th Symphony -such memories.

Jean Sibelius
Last night's dinner:

Home made curry using chicken thighs
Currently Reading:

I gave up:

Well written but far too repetitive
And began:


Going to see Rod Stewart at the Glasgow Hydro tonight: (my wife's idea)

Tuesday 1 October 2013

St Theresa of Lisieux

Had another crack at streamlining the wires of the overhead street lights - this time, using "heat shrink".

As you may know, "heat shrink" is a black rubber tubing which when heated with a hair drier, contracts and tightens its grip around whatever it is covering - usually wires. In this case, a resistor is also being covered by the tubing.

Current state of affairs - blue resistor in view.

Inserting the wire into the "heat shrink"

Cut to size

Applying heat

The "heat shrink" has shrunk

The finished effect
Still not sure whether this is an improvement or not.

Currently listening to:

Booked to see Madlib in Glasgow on 1st November.


Last night's dinner:

Forgot to take photograph again - chicken fillets in breadcrumbs with frozen peas.


Started reading:

Actually, this is a very well written memoir of life in London at the turn of the century ie 20th/21st from a young rock star's point of view.

Carl Barat's more famous band mate in the Libertines was:

Pete Doherty
I never really liked anything of the Libertines, but, as I say, this book is pretty good.


St Theresa of Lisieux:

Today is the Memorial of this French saint who died young in the first part of the 20th Century. She has millions of devotees throughout the world, including me.

Her main tenets are: A) even an apparently weak and powerless person can effect the world for good through prayer and B) try and do something kind each day no matter how tiny the action might be.



Took bikes to Lanark Loch and then cycled to Lanark Market which was in full swing.

There's a fine modern sculpture in the car park at Lanark Loch, "The Spirit of Flight" which commemorates the Lanark Airshow of 1910.

And then to the Market.

The auctioneer