Monday 26 May 2014

Full steam ahead with the Lego.

I think the idea of building a pitched roof out of black Lego is viable.

Unfortunately, I don't have nearly enough black Lego bricks, so I built this mock-up out of the multi-coloured selection that was available.

And ordered some additional black bricks from eBay; surprisingly inexpensive.

Currently listening to:

On BBC Radio 3 iPlayer, an episode from last week of "Through the Night" with the:

Last night's dinner:

Supermarket chicken curry with rice AND paratha
 Getting increasingly addicted to curries.

Today's lunch:

Fried tomatoes on potato scones.
Currently reading:

Still found nothing to read.

So, Googled "Nothingness", and these two images came up.

And decided to take the hint and re-acquaint myself with this monster.


Sunday 25 May 2014

Lego to the rescue.

I've been pondering how best to construct a pitched roof on top of the very flat-roofed ceramic building in the photo below.

It occurred to me that Lego might be an easy way to build a roof; so got some out of the attic.

White bricks are no use.

So tried black - with some red bricks as a support behind them.

Left some gaps for garret windows.
Not sure how I am going to turn the corners, so to speak, but it looks a promising solution.

Currently listening to:

Last night's dinner:

Spaghetti Bolognaise with coarse cut Parmesan

Currently reading:


Googled "Nothing" and these images came up:


While up the attic, came across this relic from my childhood - a Christmas gift from our American relatives, then in New Jersey. They always sent us the most amazing box of Christmas presents through the 50s and 60s..

Saturday 24 May 2014

1960 Paris Traffic

No time for railway today, but downloaded this great photograph of Paris traffic in the 1960s.

No road markings; but I presume (hope to God) it's a one-way street.

I'll have to check my collection of HO scale motor cars, but I don't think I have a Peugeot 403 - see pale coloured car at the very front LHS.

If not, I'll search eBay this weekend for one.

Currently listening to:

Nocturnes by Salvatore Sciarrino

Something of an academic by the looks of things.

Last night's dinner:

Supermarket chicken curry while reading Descartes and then some quite amusing Rob Brydon.

Currently Reading:

An ancient Open University module that was my late Father's.

Unbelievably, my Samba group has been invited to play at an open air event next week in the North of Glasgow.

That will be our third performance - and we're going by taxi!

I can't say that I'm getting any better........ it's all a mystery to me.

Friday 23 May 2014

Adjusting the diorama.

When one looks at the townscape/diorama as an overall visual piece, it jars.

I think that the flat roof of the central building is too textureless when compared with the surrounding buildings. Some kind of pitched roof sat on top of the building might unify the scene visually.

The flat roof in question.
Something like this - perhaps.
I'll try making something out of card.

Currently listening to:

Sat in the sun listening to this earlier today.
Last night's dinner:

From the freezer, the other half of an oxtail stew I made a few weeks ago.

Currently reading:


Run out of books.

Thinking of buying a Kindle Paper White so that I've always something on tap.


Some photos of the classic Peugeot 403.

Thursday 22 May 2014

HO scale illuminated stained glass windows

Connected power to the LED lights inside the dome of the church.

As per usual, it's not easy to capture the effect of illumination with a phone camera.

Here's a selection of shots.

Currently listening to:

Golden Teacher.
Last night's dinner:

Hake surrounded by artichokes and roasted red pepper - the blue area is the colouring of the plate!

Currently reading:

Losing interest  ...........

My wife read this book in one sitting. She's one of these people - often women in my experience - who don't read every word on the page; they scan the page.

I'm not a scanner, I believe every word contributes to the richness of the description. But, if you're only interested in "plot", then scanning is probably rational.

Anyway her verdict was basically positive in that she said it was a very descriptive piece of writing. My verdict was somewhat more fulsome.


Ordered one of these: