Saturday 22 September 2012


Yesterday evening, I walked to the Cathedral of St Pierre; the odd drop of rain but I'd borrowed a very smart black umbrella from the Hotel.

I arrived at the beginning of a session of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The cathedral was absolutely still, absolutely silent and almost in complete darkness. Eventually, I found the group of devotees at the back of the church in a side chapel. Mostly young people, all kneeling and all gazing at the monstrance which held the Host.

The monstrance being a decorative piece, like a star on a stand which holds a circular piece of bread blessed by a priest and thus deemed to be the real presence of Christ.

The session finished with the singing of Salve Regina which is always sung in Latin and so I was able to join in. Memories of the Divine Mercy prayer group I used to attend in Glasgow came flooding back to me because there too we always finished our meetings with that hymn.

My table at Le Table du Jardin was booked for 8pm. I arrived a few minutes early and was given a table right at the back. Single diners are usually deemed a bloody nuisance to restaurants. But I was treated royally throughout the whole evening.

Table cloths had clever wipeable transparent polythene covers

A kir while I pondered the menu

First error of the evening - see below.

Foie gras with cake and some funny chippings in a paper cone.

Dorade in a white sauce

Pleasant walk back through Poitiers to hotel.
There were two cock ups at the restaurant - neither disastrous.

I can't be bothered with Rose wine. I wanted a pichet of the house white Loire - cheap and cheerful. I pointed to this item on the wine list and the waiter/proprietor nodded but seemed to express his agreement in a string of incomprehensible French words with what sounded like Rose somewhere in the middle of the stream. I re-iterated that I wanted Blanc and not Rose. God knows  where he got the idea I wanted Rose from in the first place.

2 minutes later he placed a pichet of Rose on the table adding the words Cotes du Provence. Usually, I would have sent the stuff back but I wasn't actually in the mood for drinking alcohol in any case and thought I would just cope with it. The liquid did look pleasing to the eye. And, it turned out to be delightful - thirst quenching and pleasant in the mouth. Now I'm a convert to Rose.

The second error was when I ordered a white coffee at the end of the evening and an espresso arrived. I stared at the cup for a few minutes while deciding what to do when suddenly the arm of the proprietor moved across the table, picked up the coffee and with quite an apology took it away to replace it with a white one.

Altogether, a very pleasant evening.

This morning:

I walked through the much pedestrianised town centre to Mass at the Church of Notre Dame - a much older congregation than last night's.

Afterwards sat in the market square and had a pains aux raisins and cafe au lait and watched the world go by. The first picture is of a pile of bread on the counter of the small shop where I bought the coffee.

La Rochelle:

Then I walked down the hill to the station and travelling 1st Class went by TGV to La Rochelle. A lovely journey of about 100 minutes across the arable plains of France.

The station at La Rochelle

The weather was lovely and La Rochelle was, to use one of my wife's favourite words, heavin'. There are dozens of cafes and restaurants in La Rochelle's tight labyrinth of streets. I managed to get a table on the pavement and ordered a galette (buckwheat pancake with a filling of mushrooms, cheese and ham) and a lager.

I then read my new excellent book by Colin Wilson about life in 1950's London, "Adrift in Soho".

There was a lot going on in the city and there was a carnival atmosphere.

Near to the harbour, the longest treadmill I'd ever seen had been set up. It was basically a red catwalk and as far as I can gather any local amateur clothes designers could wear their own creations and walk up and down it.

Some of the amateur hopefuls

Then back by TGV to Poitiers.

Friday 21 September 2012

Best Laid Plans

Arrived in Poitiers for a cheap weekend courtesy of Ryanair while my wife is in London with her friends.

Poitiers is a delight - very studenty, very ancient and full of restaurants.

However, my plan for tomorrow was to go by train to Limoges to see the world famous Limoges Benedictines railway station.

Guess what, due to engineering works there is only a bus service - and an extremely skeletal one at that -  meaning the whole scheme has been scrapped.

What I'll be missing:

So instead will be making a 2 hour TGV journey to La Rochelle and back. Been there several times before but at least it's a train trip.

The station at Poitiers earlier this afternoon.

Followed by a pain aux raisins and cafe au lait.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Tango update.

Will summarise progress of this blog with a few pictures gathered together from past episodes.

Wiring beneath the board.

Everything functioning as DCC.

In early days board was on Ikea trestles.

One of my trains.

Ceramic Gare du Nord

Little Jouef I converted to DCC operation.

Wooden legs replaced the trestles.
Paper versions of the buildings

Close up of a street from picture above.

Continuing to love listening to Cassius:

Last night's dinner:

Looks a mess: chicken thighs in tomato sauce and boiled potatoes.

Cherry picking from the Bible:

I don't tend to cherry pick from the Bible, but I do cherry pick from spiritual texts. If a spiritual work is advocating something that doesn't suit me, I tend to close the book and look for a work which makes observations congenial to my current state of mind.

I'm finding this a bit when reading St Teresa of Avila. I don't like her analogy of being a bride of Christ. St John of the Cross uses the same analogy. Both of them are addressing female nuns but even so I find the notion cloying. But maybe that reaction reveals a short-coming in my attitude to Christ.

Anyway, all that rumination put me in mind of one of my favourite cartoons from Private Eye. I actually emailed the artist concerned - Neil Bennett - and asked permission to use it in this blog and he willingly gave his consent. Kind of him.

Tango gait:

Was terrified before attending last night's class. I have to bear in mind that in my whole life I have probably spent less than 45 minutes in total doing any kind of dancing.

Last night and at last week's taster class I danced for basically 2 hours!

I must continually remind myself that my aim is simply to improve upon my own low base level and put up with the excruciating embarrassment of being the worst in the class.

My main problem is balance. One has to keep ones legs together when tango-ing whereas my habitual gait over 6 decades has been to walk with my feet miles apart.

When I walk with my legs together I find it difficult to keep my balance.

So, I have been forcing myself to practise walking with the new gait at almost all times: up and down stairs in the house; across the floor in the office etc etc.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Ceramic HO scale cars

Well, the clay has still not been delivered to the ceramics class; so plan B was put into action - making some HO scale motor cars.

The only clay available was terra cotta which nobody seemed keen on; and, I can understand why. It's messy to the hands and I found it stuck to whatever tools you were using.

However, Pauline the lecturer suggested that instead of trying to shape the little car bodies with my hands as one would say with plasticine, one could make a very crude shape (bonnet, roof and boot, so to speak) and then let the clay partially dry out to what is called 'leather-hard' and then carve the car shape with various tools.

I made several car shaped lumps to approx HO size (matching them against an HO model for guidance) and then speeded up the drying process with a hair drier for about 5 minutes.

I made 2 little cars. They were a bit mis-shapen but OK for a first attempt.

Here are some photos of the evening's work. Everyone said that the cars looked like little chocolate sweets.

The size I'm aiming for.

Approximately car shaped.

Drying to leather-hard.

A picture of the Panhard I'm modelling.

Carving to shape.

A light was brought in to help the eyes.

One model.

A second model.

Last night's dinner:

Steak and kidney pudding with boiled potatoes.

Listening to Choral Evensong on Radio 3 from Southwell Minster (which I have just found out is in Nottinghamshire.)

The first lesson was from Proverbs chapter 2 and a phrase was used: "Let wisdom sink into your heart."

I like this image of acquiring wisdom by passive means. Simply trying to apprehend wisdom through rational means I believe (at least for me) is bound to result in wisdom existing simply as an adjunct to one's self - as merely something that one knows - rather than becoming a part of one's very being.

Southwell Minster

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Little Feat

Two objectives for the ceramics class tonight.

1. If the architectural clay has arrived then I'm going to begin etching out the features on the first wall of the building which is based on the Boulevard Haussmann.


2. If the clay has not arrived then I'm going to experiment with making little HO scale cars out of ordinary clay.

I'll bring a little model as a guide for size and maybe a photo of a real car to further the experiment.

Perhaps I'll try this Panhard.

Little Feat:

The pleasure I used to get from this group! Unfortunately, everything I have is on vinyl plus some audio cassettes that I made from the LPs.

Last night's dinner:

Rice, salmon, artichokes and mushrooms.