Friday 3 July 2015

France 2015 Day 18: A nice little bar.

Last night's dinner:

Paupiette de veau - basically, a beef olive, but French.

And then walked around the campsite and purchased a strawberry jam filled crepe.

Early morning drumming practice plus seal:

Half-way down the steps to my usual perch.

I could see this lone seal near the edge of the water.

Chap arrives with dog and starts calling out: "Nemo, Nemo, Nemo."

The dog was terrified of the seal and I was terrified of the dog.

This morning's other ritual:

Still making great progress with this commentary on La Nausee

I love these everyday French bars.

Currently listening to:

The soundtrack to 2014/15.

Happy chaps.
Still reading:


Scenes from a French campsite in the evening:

Thursday 2 July 2015

France 2015 Day 17: Usual routine

Last night's dinner:

First course


Early morning drumming practice:

Usual perch half way down the 191 steps and what a beautiful morning.

My Other Morning Ritual:

Making great progress with my understanding of Sartre's La Nausee; no doubt helped by the coffee and surroundings. This morning, once more, at the Marche Municipal, La Teste de Buch.

Today's lunch:

An avocado that tastes like an avocado.

Pate de Tete.
Cycling apres midi:

Early Evening Mass at St Vincent's, La Teste de Buch:

Currently listening to:




And yet more Optimo.
Still hugely enjoying reading:

Wednesday 1 July 2015

France 2015 Day 16: Electric bicycles - the future

Last night's dinner:

One Misty Moisty Morning:

I'd made up my mind last night that I would have a lie in this morning and not bother with the drumming practice. I regret that now because there was an all enveloping eerie mist first thing this morning and it would have been very dramatic to stand in the midst of it.

Cycled to Arcachon:

It's very hilly around the Pyla area - all those dunes I suppose. So I persuaded my wife to hire an electro-assisted cycle.

I tried it out later in the day. Fantastic. Going to buy two when we return to Scotland.

Left me for dead.

Still time for the morning ritual, though.
Metal table and chairs -perfect.

Currently listening to:

Same as yesterday - Optimo podcasts on Rinse FM.


Currently reading:

Every page is a powerful reading experience.

Every day companion.