Tuesday 3 June 2014

Brekina HO scale model cars

Until last week, I'd never heard of, "Brekina", the German manufacturer of HO scale model vehicles

Here's their website.


They are very impressively detailed and I bought 2 second hand Mercedes Benz on eBay. They are pretty much of the era of the layout ie 50s/60s.

Both Mercedes 190 but the black one is of a slightly earlier era.

Currently listening to:

Alfred Brendel playing Liszt.

Last night's dinner:

This was an absolute triumph.

A tin of quail wrapped in bacon and in a Tursan grape sauce - on a bed of rice.

Currently reading:

Went to the library and took out 4 travel books set in very hot countries. As I get older I really crave the heat in a way I never did before.


As I was cycling through Yoker this afternoon (an area of Glasgow), I passed this small house with two Isle of Man flags hanging from its windows.

I think that a TT motorcycle enthusiast must live within.

The TT races are being held on the Isle of Man at the moment.

Monday 2 June 2014

SNCF Society

My second favourite magazine arrived with the post this morning:

Currently listening to:

Obviously, this 1943 Broadway musical version was based on Bizet's Carmen.

Waiting in the wings is my HO scale ceramic L'Opera National de la Rive, which will be putting on an HO scale performance of Carmen when I eventually find a place for it on the layout.

Last night's dinner:

Forgot to take a photograph but it was corned beef and beetroot.

Currently Reading:


This one is just about readable.
Miscellany 1:

A couple of days ago we noticed that a blackbird had built a nest in a plant pot on one of our window sills. Managed to lean out of bedroom window and take this photograph today.

3 eggs.
Miscellany 2:

Went by bus this afternoon to see a couple of small exhibitions at Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art.

Inside the gallery

Paintings by Moyna Flannigan

Some chap.

And then for the second time (we saw this exhibition in Edinburgh several years ago), Nathan Coley's wonderful "The Lamp of Sacrifice" which is made up of 286 cardboard models of churches and other places of worship in Edinburgh; simply laid out on the floor.

Miscellany 3:

And then, lest we forget, Glasgow is hosting the Commonwealth Games later this summer. Here's the logo for the Games.

George Square, in the heart of Glasgow.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Flat roof added to ....................

Filled in the gap between the sections of pitched roofing with a shaped section of black card. Here are various views.

Not sure about how to fit windows in the garrets.

Currently listening to:

Leisure Muffin
I name this child, "Leisure Muffin".
Last night's dinner:

Skate wing poached in very dilute white wine vinegar

With peppers and courgette in tomato sauce
Just finished reading:

An excellent introduction.

Going to go for a drive up the Campsies this evening - haven't done that for years and years.

The Campsies are situated where the number 348 is on this map.