No time for model railway today.
Did get an email to say my streetlights had been dispatched!
Currently listening to:
Amadou and Mariam |
Last night's dinner:
Leftover leg of duck a l'Orange with boiled rice |
Currently reading:
This book has livened itself up with the account of her romance with Humphrey Bogart |
Drumming practice update:
2 really fulfilling lessons today: one from my usual drum tutor and the other from a specialised Caixa tutor.
Felt I was improving in both sessions.
Also, played maracas along with Amadou and Mariam tracks with my usual tutor who is dead interested in African beats. He showed me how to play on the off-beat.
Miscellany 1:
While at my usual drum tutor's cavernous flat, I noticed this amazing woollen blanket hanging from a makeshift mezzanine bed.
Instantly recognised it as a product from the Tregwynt Woollen Mill in Pembrokeshire, Wales. My parents had an almost identical one (different colours) on their bed for decades.
My tutor said that it had been his Welsh grandfather's and dated back to the 1950s which would be about right.
Miscellany 2:
Last night, watched, for the umpteenth time, footage from the Doors playing some US arena back in the 60s. What a great group they were.
What surprised me was how clear camera photos of the TV screen are.