What surprised me though was that the cork does not come in pre-cut strips - one has to do that oneself. That turns out to be the case wherever one buys the stuff.
I asked the chap in the shop if the strips could be cut out with scissors. He gave me that pitying look that I am getting used to in these situations. It seems that a craft knife is the way to go.
Nevertheless, I used scissors for the first strip and then searched the house for a craft knife (found one that had a rusty looking blade) and did the rest of the strips with the knife.
Verdict: not much to choose between the results. A drawback with the knife is that one needs an undersurface that can afford to be scratched. But, one doesn't need to draw a line first and follow it which one has to do with scissors. Overall, once one has the undersurface in place and a straight edge to run the knife along, the knife is quicker and easier.

Next one brushes some PVA glue onto the baseboard and then lays down the cork and with some heavy books and file boxes to press it down waits 30 minutes for the glue to set.
There are only 2 kinds of music I loathe: easy-listening and Heavy Metal.
Rather irritatingly, an awful lot of people that I really like and admire (morally, intellectually and in terms of being entertaining or amusing companions) go for one or other of these genres. Perhaps they're right!
There are exceptions to most rules, and Motorhead are the only heavy metal band that I like. Actually, I resent them being put under that umbrella.
Last night, watched a tele-biography of their mainman, Lemmy. What an interesting musician and what a gentleman. Unlike most heavy metal bands, there is no silly posturing or posing from Motorhead on stage. Also, unlike a lot of bands from 30 years ago, Motorhead continue to attract a new audience. They are not a pastiche of themselves playing the nostalgia card.